Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why write a blog?

I've recently been introduced to the concept of documenting the process and not just outcome. You know how they (whoever they is...) say that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey? Well, I agree. The more examples I see of how life turned out better when things didn't go as planned the more I can appreciate how I got to where I am today. A couple months ago, when I was feeling a little down, a good friend suggested that I write a list of all the amazing things I have accomplished that I never expected to. This way when I feel like I should have somehow been further along in life, I can take a step back and appreciate how much I really have done. I took her advice and started jotting down trips I've taken, skills I've learned, and small adventures I've had that had you told the younger me about such events I would have never believed it possible. So these two revelations have brought me to the conclusion that instead of stressing over where I wish I could be at any certain point in my life, I will instead be grateful for the lessons learned and detours taken along the way. This blog is now one way I am tracking my progress and sharing my story. I figure maybe if I keep a record of the process someday I can look back and realize just how interesting and unexpected the journey can be.

While I've never been a super un-healthy eater, the concept of what I eat seriously affecting my body is fairly new to me. I've never had to worry about restrictions being placed on what I can or can't eat. I was never really into working out, and didn't really feel a need to. Up until about a year ago I never considered myself allergic to anything. I ate pretty much whatever I wanted, whenever I was hungry, stopped when I was full, and lived with the mind-set that anything was fine in moderation. This served me fairly well through my teens and most of my 20's. Several friends even told me they found my dietary habits inspirational and used my judgement as an example. More recently I have discovered that what I put into my body has a greater impact than I could have imagined. I will go into greater detail about this later, but for now let's just say this last year I have been making a lot of changes and that is the inspiration for this blog.


  1. I've drastically changed my dietary habits too! Now, I only eat mini-wheats, ham sandwiches and frozen burritos... I think you may out-live me.

  2. Ooh boy! :p maybe I can convince you to re-evaluate that before too long. Either way if you do continue to read I would appreciate your feed back.
